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On the 15th of November, I interview nurse Lynsey Moore who works at Poole hospital. Nurse Moore works specifically on the dementia ward, as a dementia specialist, so for her to fit me into her very busy schedule was a grand moment for me. Out of all my interviewees, I struggled the most with prepping for our interview, and I think it was because she was the person who was going to hit me with all the facts and statistics. Therefore, I could not afford to forget a vital question, or not ask for some more scientific background history of dementia. As well as this, I think I completely lost my trace of thought for a bit and struggled to remind myself why she would be important for the documentary. As she was my fourth and last interviewee, I realised I had so much audio and realistically only 7 minutes to fit it all in. It was safe to say, I was in panic mode.


Our interview went magnificently well, as soon as I pressed record and she dove in with her prepped answers, I remembered why I was screaming of joy when she emailed me saying she’d happily do it. It was amazing to hear about what general hospitals actually do for dementia patients, a majority of what I hear or see on social media mostly cares home related. However, Nurse Moore went into detail about the link of management and the suggested path to follow when attempting to aid a person living with dementia. I was given a lot of insight into the future of dementia which is has been the main theme of all my interviews. What changes would they like to see, how they’re personally working to help aid the change, why they think the change needs to happen. The main difference is that Nurse Moore gave a lot of facts that weren’t opinion based, yes some answered were based off her experience but she always backed it up with statistics. This helped me then go home and work on my research pages for the blog. 


Overall, I am so grateful for all my interviewees, and now it's time to start putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

In your opinion, how close do you think we are to finding a cure for dementia?

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